Are you day dreaming about quitting your job because you literally can't do this for one more day?

Welcome to the Quit Your Job Program where I help you quit your job. Because life is too short to stay in a job you hate.

On average, women spend about 40 years of your life working.

That’s roughly 34.6 hours a week, 52 weeks a year—adding up to 1,799 hours each year.

Over a lifetime, that totals approximately 71,968 hours.

Let's make sure those 71,968 hours are spent doing something you truly love. 

Thinking of quitting?

Let's not waste one more second getting you the support you need to quit now.


Hey you - Yeah, you. The one who's up all night thinking: "I can't do this for one more day."

I know what you're thinking...

You're lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, your mind racing. How do I get out of here? This can't be it for me.

You dread tomorrow because the thought of another day at that job makes your stomach turn.

I want you to hear me when I say this: you’re not crazy. You’re not alone. And there is more to life than this.

You’re sitting there, watching women around you—your friend who just got a raise, that girl on Instagram who loves her job, the woman who had the guts to walk away—and you’re thinking: Why not me? Why can’t I do it?

The truth is, you can.

You just need the right strategy and support.

Hi - I am Elyse.

I’ve helped over 50+ women quit their jobs and create lives they truly love.

I’ve made some major quits myself - like leaving behind my dream job as an executive at a Fortune 500 company where I was living a $500K/year lifestyle, flying first class to glamorous cities around the world, basking in the glory of major stock options, indulging in Friday in-office massages and taking full advantage of my unlimited PTO. 

When my dad was suddenly diagnosed with cancer, I left my 15+ year career overnight.

I thought I’d go back to my job in beauty, but a deeper, inner pull led me to help women on a more meaningful level.

I took the leap to build the business of my dreams, and believe me, I get it - it’s terrifying to leave behind a life that felt safe.

I struggled with doubts like “What will they think?” “What if I fail?” "What if I make the wrong decision?" and “What if it’s too late for me?”

But I overcame the fear, created a business and lifestyle beyond my wildest dreams & it is my superpower to help you do the same.

I understand the doubts and fears that come with making such a big change, like financial pressure, the unpredictable job market and leaving coworkers you love behind BUT I know there’s a powerful, unstoppable force within you ready to step into what’s next.

Let’s work together to unleash that powerhouse and empower you to make the boldest decision of your life.

60% of women want to quit their job but are too scared to actually do it. But I know that's not you...

I'm going to say the opposite of what you've been taught: Quitting is for winners.

Women who win know when to walk away from what's no longer working and make bold moves that change their lives for the better.

Let’s be real—you’ve thought about quitting. But…

You’ve been here before.

Sitting at your desk, scrolling through LinkedIn, seeing someone else get promoted, or listening to a coworker gush about how much they love their job.

And you feel stuck. Frustrated. Jealous.

Wondering why you’re still stuck in a place that drains you while other women seem to have it all.

Here’s how it plays out:

  • Dreading Sunday nights like the plague
  • Counting down the hours until Friday at 5 p.m.
  • Feeling like an imposter in meetings
  • Crying in the bathroom just to make it through the day
  • Smiling through gritted teeth as your friends celebrate their work wins

If any of this sounds familiar, it’s time for a change.

You’re not imagining things.

Your life could be better.

And here’s the truth: it will be better once you quit.

But quitting takes skill—and that’s exactly what I’m here to help you master.

Ready to Quit Like a Winner?
Join my Quit Your Job Program today. This is your invitation to change your life, create a new path, and finally feel like you’re living on your terms.

 Your first step in getting started is booking your free consultation with me.

Tap below to schedule now.

Let’s get you out of the job you hate and into the life you deserve.


Afraid to Quit? Here’s What Happens When You Finally Do...

🔥 78% of women who quit their jobs describe feeling an immediate sense of relief – like a weight lifted off their shoulders.

đź’– 82% say they found greater happiness and balance in their personal and professional lives after quitting, leading to improved mental health and well-being.

⏳ 53% regret not quitting sooner – imagine where you could be if you made the leap today?

Your dream life is on the other side of that fear.

Once you quit, everything changes—not just your job, but your entire sense of self.

You’ll finally have the time, energy, and space to become the most vibrant, healthy, and fulfilled version of yourself.

You’ll no longer just be the “successful one” in other people’s eyes; you’ll feel that success deep within, in every aspect of your life.

And the best part?

You’ll be living a life that feels just as good at it looks on the outside.


  • Fully Present With Family: Mom guilt ends here. Your phone is no longer an extension of your hand. You’re free from the stress of constant emails and the urgency culture, allowing you to be truly present and available for the family moments you've been craving.
  • Higher Earnings: You secure better-paying jobs as you embrace your worth, unapologetically negotiate and stop settling for less.
  • Increased Confidence: Many of us don’t realize how toxic jobs erode our confidence. You break free from that cycle and become the most confident version of yourself—one who believes deeply in her own abilities and trusts herself to make the right decisions.
  • Weight Loss + Improved Health: With reduced stress and more time to work out, you often shed excess weight and move away from emotional eating. You can finally prioritize your health because you’re no longer overworking at a job you hate. 
  • Reduced Alcohol Consumption: You drink less as the stress of a draining job disappears.
  • Decreased Impulsive Spending: No more late night  Amazon binges because you are no longer shopping to fill the void and distract yourself from stress which puts hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars back in your pocket.
  • Better Work-life Balance: Freed from a soul-sucking job, you can prioritize hobbies and interests that bring you joy.
  • Time For Self-Care: Say goodbye to burnout and hello to finally coming first in your life as you rediscover the importance of self-care & investing in activities that nurture your wellness + well-being.
  • More FUN & JOYFUL Living: No more dreading getting out of bed with no time for yourself. Instead, you fall in love with pouring back into yourself, having girls nights, romantic date nights, travelling, cultivating happiness and contentment in daily life.
  • Greater Sense Of Control: You regain control over your life, feeling empowered to create a life you love.

Sound like what you want? Let's work together to get you there.


"After working with Elyse, I built the confidence to leave my job and pursue a higher position that paid $25k more per year. With her guidance, I got the job and before I even started, I took Elyse's advice to make the most of the time in between and booked a trip to Europe to celebrate! My best life truly began when I found the courage to invest in this program. I can't thank Elyse enough for empowering me to take this leap!"

- Ashley, Director Of Education 

Introducing My 5-Step Confident Quit Formula

This isn’t just a program—it’s your lifeline.

In 90 days or less, I’ll guide you through every step to quit your job with confidence.

You’ll stop overthinking and start taking action.

Here’s the plan: We will get your finances in order, make your timeline & create your exit strategy following these 5 simple steps, and you’ll quit your job in the next 90 days.

“Elyse made something that should have been really hard feel easy.” - Melissa VP Of Creative Marketing 

First, you’ll make the empowered decision to quit.

Making and unmaking decisions is exhausting, so we’ll get crystal clear on why you want to leave, what’s driving your change, and how to commit with total confidence.

You’ll stop second-guessing and start trusting that this is the right move for you.

Next, we’ll create your Exit Strategy.

Confidence comes from preparation, and success is in the planning.

This is not a reckless quit. This is done with care & intention.

We’ll map out every detail starting with your financial analysis & financial plan.

Next, we create your quit timeline and prepare everything required for a smooth departure.

Whether you’re pivoting careers, starting a business, or taking a sabbatical, you’ll have a detailed plan covering every part of your transition—from who you want to become to what you’ll do in the meantime.

Now that we have a plan, it’s time to create calm-fidence.

Change can feel scary, so let’s make it feel safe for you.

In this pillar, you’ll learn how to regulate your nervous system, manage fears and doubts, and stay on track.

You’ll build emotional resilience and self-care strategies to keep you calm, grounded, and focused, no matter what comes your way.

The time has come to make your empowered quit.

Take a deep breath—it’s time.

When the moment arrives, you’ll quit with grace, professionalism, and confidence.

I’ll guide you through the steps for a smooth, respectful exit—no burned bridges, no messy goodbyes—just a powerful transition that leaves you feeling empowered and excited for what’s next.

Get your party hat - we are going out in style.

Quitting is just the beginning, and it deserves a celebration.

This is your time to shine, and I’ll help you make this moment unforgettable.

In this final step, we’ll honor your bold decision and embrace the opportunities ahead.

You’ll recognize the significance of this moment and step confidently into your new future.

“I was so nervous about quitting my job, but Elyse made it feel surprisingly efficient. I had waited to make this decision for too long, but after reading just one post from Elyse, I knew she could help me do what I was too scared to do on my own. Thanks to her, quitting my job was a smooth and empowering experience. This is quitting made easy!”

- Nicole Director Of Marketing

Sound like what you need right now?

I offer any woman considering the Quit Your Job program a free consultation with me.

This is your safe space to get all of your questions answered & make the right decision for you.


Don't have time for a call?

I totally get it - you are busy so let's make this easy for you.

Voice note me on Instagram @elyseconroyxo and we can talk about it.



What You’ll Get When You Start Today:

  • 10 Virtual 1:1 Coaching Sessions: We will spend one hour together each week working through each framework pillar to ensure a smooth and confident transition.
  • In-between Session Voice Note + Email Coaching: With voice note and email coaching between sessions, you’ll be fully supported every step of the way, ensuring you’re never alone as you make your big quit.
  • Exit Strategy & Planning: We will develop your personalized roadmap with a detailed plan, financial analysis, timeline and support structure to empower and secure your departure.
  • Closing the Chapter Ceremony: We’ll unpack the baggage from your old job to ensure a clean break and a fully healed you, ready for your next chapter.
  • Celebration Your New Beginning Kit: Celebration Kit: Resources to honor your transition and embrace what’s to come. Includes 101 ways to celebrate quitting, a Mind The Gap exercise to intentionally design your in-between time, a Lifetime Achievement Deck to boost your confidence as you step into what’s next.
  • 24/7 Self Service Portal Containing Video Trainings + Workshops + Comprehensive Worksheets: Access to video trainings, workshops, and comprehensive worksheets, so you’re never without support. Essential tools for planning, regulating, and executing your transition with confidence.

And there's more...

When you join today, you get $1000 in bonuses designed to support you every step of the way.

BONUS #1: Create Your Calm Kit

Transform your stress and anxiety into calm and control with our Create Your Calm Kit.

This comprehensive set of tools is designed to help you:

  • Calm Your Mind: Use exercises like the Calm & Clear Destressing Meditation and Quiet The Chaos to quiet racing thoughts and find inner peace.
  • Relax Your Body: Engage in Release & Relax Breathwork and Chill Switch Vagus Nerve Tuning to soothe your body and release tension.
  • Melt Away Stress & Anxiety: Experience the Feel Safe To Quit Your Job Guided Visualization and Tap Into Calm EFT Tapping to manage stress and build confidence.
  • Feel in Control: Activate courage with 15 Courage Activating Affirmations and implement Sensory Solutions to regain control over your well-being.

This kit provides you with everything you need to navigate change with a calm mind and a relaxed body.

BONUS #2: Career Fast Track Advancement System

Unlock your full potential with my signature Career Fast Track Advancement System, a comprehensive program designed to accelerate your career success.

Focus 1: Vision For Success

This module focuses on helping you create a clear long-term vision for your career. You’ll learn how to set impactful goals, develop strategies for achieving them, and find balance between your professional aspirations and personal life. It introduces a powerful formula to turn dreams into actionable steps.

Focus 2: Presenting Yourself With Confidence

Here, the focus is on mastering the art of self-presentation. You’ll enhance your confident self image by identifying your strongest skills, optimizing your LinkedIn profile, improving your appearance, and honing your networking abilities. This will equip you to confidently present yourself in any professional setting.

Focus 3: Interviewing & Negotiation Mastery

This module is designed to prepare you for job interviews and negotiations with confidence. You’ll learn how to interview effectively, negotiate for better salaries and benefits, and evaluate job offers to ensure they align with your goals. It also builds a mindset of not settling for less than you deserve.

Focus 4: Success-Driving Mindset

Focusing on mental strength and resilience, this module helps you overcome imposter syndrome, build decision-making skills, handle setbacks, and navigate tough conversations. You’ll cultivate a mindset of growth, authenticity, and self-assurance that drives long-term success.

This system provides you with the tools and insights needed to fast-track your career and make empowered decisions every step of the way.

BONUS #3: Self Care Essentials For The Busy Business Woman

A cared for woman = a confident woman.

Transform your self-care routine with Self-Care Essentials for Busy Business Women, a practical guide designed to help you recharge, connect with yourself, and build confidence while reducing stress. This resource is tailored to fit seamlessly into your busy life, ensuring you thrive, not just survive.


  • Self-Care & Wellness Evaluation: Identify your self-care opportunities and create a personalized plan to enhance your well-being.
  • 42 Fun & Recharging Self-Care Ideas: Get inspired with practical and enjoyable self-care activities to rejuvenate your body and mind.
  • Weekend Routines: Optimize your weekends to achieve the relaxation and energy you need for the week ahead.
  • Morning Routine Design Guide: Discover sample routines that fit your available time, setting you up for a successful day.
  • Confidence-Building Affirmations: Boost your self-esteem each morning with powerful affirmations.
  • Daily Gratitude Exercise: Cultivate happiness and a deeper appreciation for life with daily gratitude practices.
  • Surrender Formula: Use this quick shift technique to let go of stress and regain control.

This kit will help you make self-care a manageable, impactful practice, empowering you to maintain balance and confidence amidst your busy schedule.

So What’s Your Plan?

If you don’t have one, don’t worry - I’ve got it for you.

In the Quit Your Job Program, we’ll create a personalized roadmap to get you out of that job you hate and into a life you love.

Because it’s not your fault you’re still stuck in a job you can’t stand.

Society has conditioned women like you to think quitting makes you weak, and that you should just be grateful for what you have.

But I’m telling you right now: those people are wrong.

And you’re exactly where you need to be because I’ve got the blueprint to help you leave that job behind.

In fact, research—and my personal experience working with over 50 women—shows that quitting toxic jobs can lead to extraordinary boosts in happiness, confidence, and well-being.

Imagine the profound transformation you could experience.

This chart shows the powerful change I see firsthand with the women I guide through this journey.

“Elyse helped me find the insight and courage I needed to make the decision to quit my job. Even now, a part of me still can’t believe I actually did it.” - Caroline CEO

Your next chapter awaits...

You have most likely spent more time overthinking leaving your job than it actually takes to get a new job.

Stop overthinking it and just do it.

It’s time to take control of your life, make a bold move, and start living with purpose. The "Quit Your Job" program is your roadmap to freedom, fulfillment, and a future that excites you.

Ready to quit your job and start your next chapter?

Join us today and make the decision that will change your life forever.

Let’s do this together.

Enroll now and take the first step towards the life you deserve.

It’s time to stop dreaming and start doing.

This is your time. You can do this.

Let’s quit—together.



“The rush of exhilaration I felt as I went to quit was unlike anything I've ever experienced. It feels so good to be free."

- Amy VP Of Product Development 

Now, let's get all of your questions answered...

It’s Time - No more wasting your time, energy, and potential in a job that doesn’t deserve you.

Don’t spend another night lying awake dreading tomorrow.

This program will give you the clarity, confidence, and courage you need to make the leap.

Do it for future you – she deserves this.