$3,000.00 USD



You are agreeing to participate in the 3 Month CAN Program Premium Experience.

The program includes the following:




The agreed upon investment is $3000 and this is due before our first scheduled session. If the payment has not been received prior to the 1st Development Session, this session will be rescheduled once payment is received.

All payments are nonrefundable.

Declined Payment Policy Any outstanding payments are due, in full, within 7 days of the first declined payment.

Email notifications of incomplete payments will be delivered, providing detailed steps to bring the account into good standing.

Should requests for payment receive no response or the account remain overdue 7 days after the first declined payment, access to program benefits will be suspended.

Access will be reinstated if payment is made in full 14 days after the original payment date unless we provide a written modification to your payment terms in writing.

NOTE: If you opt for the Afterpay payment feature, any issues with payment or your financing agreement are to be handled directly with Afterpay.


During the coaching process, it will be necessary for you to share sensitive and personal information. All communication is considered confidential and is not to be shared. At no time will we voluntarily divulge the coaching relationship between us and our clients without written permission from the clients, unless required to do so by law.

We ask that you do not share the video recordings or the Proprietary CAN Program materials or IP created by Elyse Conroy exclusively for the CAN Program.

If this proprietary information is shared without consent, legal action will be taken.  


You will select a weekly session time in your initial Strategy Session. Your graduation date will be 12 weeks from your start date (unless there are scheduled vacations, holiday’s or reschedules that push out your graduation date beyond the 12 week point).

If for any reason you need to change your session day/time, please discuss directly with Elyse in session and a new session time/day will be selected if available.


We have a very strict policy when it comes to tardiness and cancellation.

If you no show for your Development Session, you lose this session and the time will not be refunded. It is your responsibility to make it on time every week to your session at the committed time.

Our sessions start ON TIME – you will be granted a 10-minute grace period but please note, if you arrive late, this time will not be refunded.

If you arrive beyond the 10-minute grace period, this will qualify as a no show and the session will be cancelled & no refund or reschedule opportunity will be offered. 


We get it – life happens. But it is very important to note that consistently rescheduling will interrupt the coaching process which will impact your results. For this reason, we limit the reschedules to 2 while you are enrolled in the program.

You will be provided a link in your Welcome Email to reschedule your sessions.



THIS IS LIFE COACHING – NOT THERAPY. Life Coaching is a service that provides personal coaching to specific individuals and/or groups. You as the client are aware that coaching is in no way to be construed or substituted as psychological counselling or any other type of therapy or medical advice.

We will at all times exercise my best professional efforts, skills and care of ensuring our client is coached to meet their coaching goals, the client understands and acknowledges the coach will not be liable legally or otherwise, for the actions the client may or may not undertake as a result of the life coaching sessions.

Our involvement is limited to Life, Career & Confidence Coaching. These services are not a substitute for counselling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care or substance abuse treatment and we will not use it in place of any form of diagnosis, treatment or therapy.


No assumption of responsibility is made, or given, and the client requesting such advice agrees not to hold Elyse Conroy/Soul Makeup LLC (Provider) responsible or liable in any form or fashion, for such actions taken of their own accord. The method and process by which this advice and direction are given in no manner whatsoever, written or verbal, constitutes an agreement or liability on the part of the provider and is acknowledged to be different in many ways than clinical and medical counselling.


You (the client) agree that using any of these life coaching services are entirely at your own risk. Coaching services are provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including without limitation any warranty for information services, coaching, uninterrupted access, or products and services provided through or in connection with the service. This service is requested at the client's own choice and with inherent singular responsibility.



The Soul Makeup LLC promise is to provide you with the best tools to support you in creating success inside the CAN Program, but it is up to you to use these tools to maximize results. Nothing in this Agreement and nothing in our statements to you shall be construed as promises or guarantees of your results in the Program.  


We are confident you will successfully complete the Program. However, if a dispute does arise from this Agreement, you agree to resolve the dispute by submitting to neutral binding arbitration and agree not to seek court intervention as an alternative.


You understand this is the entire Agreement between the parties.  You understand that no other promises or agreements have been made except for those described in this Agreement.

By agreeing to the CAN Program Service Agreement you are indicating our understanding and agreement to the terms above.

  • Elyse Conroy (CEO/Founder of Soul Makeup LLC/Coach – Service Provider) on behalf of Soul Makeup LLC

CAN Program

The CAN Program Includes: 

  • 12 Private One Hour Virtual Sessions ($3000 value)
  • Confident Self Image + Needs, Wants Desires Workshop ($500 value)
  • Full Self Care & Wellness Evaluation ($500 value)
  • Financial Audit ($250 value)
  • Time Audit ($250 value)
  • Financial Elevation & Savings Strategy ($250 value)
  • Optimized Time Plan + Customized Life Operating System ($250 value)
  • Personal + Professional Goal Mapping ($250 value)
  • In Between Session Voice Note + Email Support ($1000 value)
  • The Confidence Builder - Your 200+ page 24/7 Self Service Program Toolkit ($500 value)
  • Post Program 90 Day Success Roadmap + Action Plan ($250 value)
  • Bonus: Video Trainings, Guided Meditations/Visualizations, Breathwork, Stress Melting Strategies and more... ($500 value)  
  • $7500 worth of value - yours for $3000

What The Women In The CAN Program Are Saying:

"Working with Elyse has truly been the best gift I could have given myself. It is the gift that just keeps on giving. When we started working together I really struggled to feel confident in myself. I felt like an imposter, I felt out of control in my relationships, and I was an expert at ignoring my feelings. Now I know that I am safe to feel any feeling, I've learned how to set healthy boundaries, and my self-concept has completely shifted. I TRUST myself. I used to default to crowd sourcing opinions and now I listen to myself so much more - and damn I know what I'm talking about most days! I also know that I'm resilient AF. I cannot recommend working with Elyse enough."

Maggie F.

"Before I started the CAN program, for 35 years I believed I was not smart enough, I let my career, title and salary define my self worth, and looked to everyone else to help me make decisions. I initially signed up for 3 months but after a few weeks and seeing the immediate impact on my life I extended to 6 months. The CAN program was customized to my needs for growth and changed my life forever by shifting the way I process my feelings and thoughts. It helped give me a different perspective on life that was “true” vs “in my head”. I now know I am good enough, smart enough, and strong enough to make my own decisions and know my worth. I always have been but the CAN program broke the barriers to help me see that for the first time in 35 years. The tools, workbooks, recaps, professionalism, and the commitment from my coach to me 24/7 was above and beyond. The CAN program was 100% committed to me and made me 100% commit to the program. The CAN program takes self growth seriously but fun what I have learned with me will stay with me for the rest of my life. I’m so grateful to have restarted my life and work daily with the tools I have learned from the CAN program."

Inger B.

"I found myself feeling lost and without direction, professionally but also personally. I knew I needed a little help getting out of my funk, and put it out into the universe. I am beyond grateful that the universe gave me Elyse!!! Over the course of the program we did a lot of personal development work and worked through limiting beliefs and building back my self-confidence. It was so empowering, each session built on the previous one and by the end of the program I really felt so different. I had more clarity on the life I wanted to lead and felt confident on how I would get there. The noticeable shift I felt in myself. No longer feeling like I was not in control of my destiny, and really shifting to the belief that I can make an amazing life happen and it’s already within me to make it happen. This was the best investment I made in myself!!"

Julisa G.

"Before the CAN program, I felt close to a mental breakdown because of work. I felt out of control of everything, woke up grumpy and felt grumpy all day everyday because of the chaos in the world (and in my head) and I wasn’t present in the moment (like ever). Elyse gave me tools to overcome mental blockades I built up for myself. And practicing them consistently will give me the base to keep using them throughout life. I’ve learned that I am enough! On tough days of work- I have given given enough! I did my best and got what I could done. My work will still be there tomorrow. My children will never be in the same spot they were today ever again in their lives. Coaching was amazing. Elyse took the time to really get to the root of my feelings and where those feelings were initiated. The coaching meetings didn’t feel forced or uncomfortable ever. Elyse listens and hears you when you speak. Every. Time. I learned that control was to feel safe and secure. I never would have realized that on my own. I just always assumed it was an inherited trait and I would never get away from being a control freak. But, through the CAN program, I learned how to shift my thoughts and overcome the uncomfortableness I get from being out of control. If you’re considering the CAN program, it really is the best investment you could make for yourself. This experience really was the best investment I could have given myself."

Courtney M.